soil amendment

By Admin , 9 May, 2024

bokashi seed ball: a solid fermented matter (a bokashi ferment) the size of golf balls, made with soil (or dirt or clay-like material), Activated EM, blackstrap molasses, bokashi bran, and various seeds. It is air-dried to harden for one to two weeks, and then used as a self-contained seed+biofertilizer to seed gardens, tree pits (tree-plant compatibility needs to be considered), or vacant dirt lots.

By Admin , 14 March, 2024

bokashi mudball (also, EM mudballs, beneficial mudballs, genki balls, EM dango): a solid fermented matter (a bokashi ferment) the size of a baseball, made with dirt (or any soil-like material such as clay soil), Activated EM, blackstrap molasses, and bokashi bran. Other ingredients may also be used (such as EM ceramics). While the mudballs are let to ferment in open air (where airflow is recommended to prevent, minimize mold buildup on the mudballs), the outside will quickly dry forming a hard shell leaving the inside to ferment anaerobically.

By Admin , 14 March, 2024

How to make bokashi with rice bran or wheat bran

  1. Water — 1 cup of water per pound of bran.  Place water in a large enough bowl or bucket.  Examples are 10 lbs, 25 lbs, and 50 lbs.
    • 10 lbs - 10 cups of water (80 fl oz, or 2.5 quarts)
    • 25 lbs - 25 cups (200 fl oz, or 6.25 qts, or 1 gal 2 qts 1 cup) 
    • 50 lbs - 50 cups (400 fl oz, or 12.5 qts, or 3 gal 2 cups)
  2. Measuring cup(s) or measuring spoon(s).